#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sys from pathlib import Path from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QMessageBox from file import File class Utils: home_path = str(Path.home()) editor_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) def __init__(self, app): self.app = app def popup_init(self): self.usc_popup = QMessageBox() # create a popup window that notifies the user that we have unsaved changes self.usc_popup.setWindowTitle("Unsaved Changes!") # usc means unsaved changes self.usc_popup.setText("The file you are trying to close has unsaved changes.") self.usc_popup.setStandardButtons( QMessageBox.StandardButton.Save | QMessageBox.StandardButton.Discard | QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel ) self.ftb_popup = QMessageBox() # dialog that says that the file is too big self.ftb_popup.setWindowTitle("File Too Big!") self.ftb_popup.setText("The file you are trying to open is too big!") self.ftb_popup.setDetailedText( "I am way too lazy to make the editor capable of handling big files,\n" "but you could improve the editor, if this annoys you.\n" "https://teapot.informationsanarchistik.de/Wobbl/Bread_Editor" ) def unsaved_changes_popup(self): button = self.usc_popup.exec() match button: case QMessageBox.StandardButton.Save: return "save" case QMessageBox.StandardButton.Discard: return "discard" case QMessageBox.StandardButton.Cancel: return "cancel" def bstring_to_oz(self, data): # convert binary data to a string of ones and zeros (oz) oz_bytes = [] for byte in data: oz_bytes.append(format(byte, "08b")) oz_string = " ".join(oz_bytes) return oz_string def oz_string_to_bstring(self, oz_string): # convert a string of zeroes and ones to a binary string oz_bytes = oz_string.split() bytes_int = [] for byte in oz_bytes: bytes_int.append(int(byte, 2)) binary_string = bytes(bytes_int) return binary_string def on_close(self, event): changes = False for file_path in self.app.open_files: file = self.app.open_files[file_path] if file.bit_editor.not_saved: changes = True break if changes: save_or_not = self.unsaved_changes_popup() match save_or_not: case "save": self.app.file_actions.save_all_files() self.close() case "cancel": event.ignore() case "discard": self.close() else: self.close() def close(self): print("Bye!") file_keys = self.app.open_files.keys() open_files = [] for file_path in file_keys: # convert dict keys to strings open_files.append(str(file_path)) self.app.settings.last_opened_files = open_files self.app.settings.save("settings.json") def update_style_in_all_bit_editors(self): self.app.settings.highlight_ones = self.app.gui.main_window.highlightOnesSetting.isChecked() self.app.settings.square_bits = self.app.gui.main_window.bitsAreSquaresSetting.isChecked() for file_path in self.app.open_files: editor = self.app.open_files[file_path].bit_editor editor.update_style() def on_start(self): if len(sys.argv) == 1: # if no parameters were passed to the editor self.load_files(self.app.settings.last_opened_files) else: file_path = sys.argv[1] if os.path.isfile(file_path): file = File(self.app, file_path, file_path.split("/")[-1]) self.app.open_files[file_path] = file def load_files(self, file_paths): for file_path in file_paths: if os.path.isfile(file_path): file = File(self.app, file_path, file_path.split("/")[-1]) self.app.open_files[file_path] = file