extends CharacterBody2D const JUMP_VELOCITY = -230.0 signal gameover @onready var alive = true var state = "main-menu" func die(): print("die") gameover.emit() alive = false func start(): global_position = Vector2(21,91) alive = true func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: if not is_on_floor(): velocity += get_gravity() * delta if Input.is_action_pressed("jump") and is_on_floor() and alive and $"/root/Global".gamerunning: velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY move_and_slide() func _process(_delta: float) -> void: if position.x < -20: if alive: die() if $"/root/Global".gamerunning: state = "game" if state == "main-menu" : $AnimationPlayer.play("idle") elif state == "game": if not is_on_floor(): $AnimationPlayer.play("fly") elif not alive: $AnimationPlayer.play("die") else: $AnimationPlayer.play("walk") func _collide_with_hindernis(_body: Node2D) -> void: if alive: die() func _color_slider_changed(value) -> void: $EnteConstantSprite/EnteColormask.modulate.h = $"../../Gui/Settings/ColorSlider".value*0.01 func _on_ente_sprite_frame_changed() -> void: $EnteConstantSprite/EnteColormask.frame = $EnteConstantSprite.frame