states = [["DOES IT WORK?",0,2,"DON\' MESS WITH IT",""],["DID YOU MESS WITH IT?",3,6,"IDIOT",""],["DOES ANYONE ELSE KNOW?",5,4,"YOU STUPID FOOL",""],["CAN YOU HIDE IT",0,5,"","YOU STUPID FOOL"],["CAN YOU BLAME ANYONE ELSE?",0,5,"","YOU STUPID FOOL"],["WILL THEY BELIEVE YOU?",0,5,"DUMP IT SMARTLY","YOU STUPID FOOL"]};state = 1 while 1: if state == 0 :print("NO PROBLEM!!");exit() active_data = states[state+1];antwort = input(f"{active_data[0]} :");print(active_data[3]) if antwort == "yes" else print(active_data[4]);state = active_data[1] if antwort == "yes" else active_data[2]