function randomBackground(backgrounds) { let background = selectRandom(backgrounds); console.log("Choosen random background image:", background); if (!background.includes("backgrounds/")) { background = "backgrounds/" + background } document.getElementById("background").style.backgroundImage = "url(" + background + ")"; // let div_height = document.getElementById("background").offsetHeight; // let half_div_height = (0 - div_height) / 2; // document.getElementById("background").style.backgroundPosition = "0% " + half_div_height.toString() + "px"; } function selectRandom(array) { let choosen = array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; return choosen; } function copyText(text) { try { navigator.clipboard.writeText(text); console.log('Content copied to clipboard: "' + text + '"'); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to copy "' + text + '":', error); } } function strBetweenStrings(startStr, endStr, str) { pos = str.indexOf(startStr) + startStr.length; return str.substring(pos, str.indexOf(endStr, pos)); } function getStringOfPageContent(url, callbackFunction) { $.get(url, function(data) { callbackFunction(data); }); }; function getFilesInFolder(pageContent) { // Needs auto file indexing // console.log(pageContent); let contentArray = pageContent.split("\n"); let files = []; for (let line in contentArray) { if (contentArray[line].includes("
  • ")) { files.push(strBetweenStrings('"', '"', contentArray[line])); } } files.shift(); // console.log(files); return files; }; function setBackground(bla = "") { let currentDate = new Date(); let currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth(); let currentDay = currentDate.getDay(); if (currentMonth == 9) { if (currentDay > 0 && currentDay < 20) { getStringOfPageContent(bla + "backgrounds/halloween", function(pageContent) { let backgrounds = getFilesInFolder(pageContent); let backgroundNumber = 0; while (backgroundNumber < backgrounds.length) { backgrounds[backgroundNumber] = bla + "backgrounds/halloween/" + backgrounds[backgroundNumber]; backgroundNumber++; } randomBackground(backgrounds); }); } } else { getStringOfPageContent("backgrounds", function(pageContent) { let backgrounds = getFilesInFolder(pageContent); randomBackground(backgrounds); }); } } // getStringOfPageContent("backgrounds", getFilesInFolder)