Bissl Code der einem etwas Zeit sparen kann.
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2023-12-09 12:49:57 +01:00 Got buttons working. 2023-08-25 16:15:01 +02:00 Renamed to, because it can not only be used to store settings. 2023-11-11 18:34:28 +01:00 pg: In TextButton.blit(), padding was used as if it would be still an int. 2023-12-09 12:49:57 +01:00 Added readme. 2023-11-11 19:50:32 +01:00 /tools/ now has to be in /site-packages/ or /dist-packages/. 2023-11-05 18:36:40 +01:00

Wobbl tools

To install, make a new folder in the python site-packages folder named tools and put all files in it.

If a folder named tools already exists in one of the site-packages folders, you can name the folder "wobbl_tools" or something else. Dont forget to change the imports in the script that uses this tools.

To see, where the site-packages folders are, use:

python -m site

You can use one of the listed folders.