EKNr1 4721e5e7fa Rearranged folder structure in the pygame tools.
(No warranty that everything still works. )
2024-12-05 18:47:13 +01:00

140 lines
3.7 KiB

import pygame
from wobbl_tools.pygame_tools.utils import *
from wobbl_tools.pygame_tools.widgets import TextButton, Button, MultilineText
class GUI:
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
self.buttons = {}
self.example_menu = ExampleMenu(self)
self.multiline_text_example = MultilineTextExample(self)
self.current_page = "example_menu"
self.pages = self.get_list_of_pages()
def draw(self):
page = getattr(self, self.current_page)
def update(self):
for page_name in self.pages:
page = getattr(self, page_name)
def get_list_of_pages(self):
pages = []
for name, page in self.__dict__.items():
if issubclass(type(page), Page):
return pages
def reload(self):
for page_name in self.pages:
page = getattr(self, page_name)
class Page:
def __init__(self, gui):
self.gui = gui
self.app = gui.app
self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.app.screen.get_size(), flags=pygame.SRCALPHA)
def draw(self):
self.app.screen.blit(self.surface, (0, 0))
def update(self):
def load(self):
class ExampleMenu(Page):
def load(self):
button_texts = ["Multiline Text"]
buttons = []
for button_text in button_texts:
name_lower = button_text.lower().replace(" ", "_")
setattr(self, name_lower + "_button", len(buttons))
buttons.append(TextButton(button_text, (0, 0), change_page, (self, name_lower + "_example")))
start_pos = (10, 10)
spacing = 10
x, y = start_pos
i = 0
for button in buttons:
if x + button.image.get_width() > self.app.screen.get_width():
x = start_pos[0]
y += button.surface.get_height() + spacing
button.position = (x, y)
button.position = (x, y)
w, h = button.size
button.rect = pygame.Rect((x, y), (w, h))
button.button = Button(button.rect, button.function, button.args, key=button.key)
buttons[i] = button
x += button.image.get_width() + spacing
i += 1
self.gui.buttons["example_menu"] = buttons
def update(self):
self.surface.fill((20, 20, 20))
for button in self.gui.buttons["example_menu"]:
class MultilineTextExample(Page):
def load(self):
self.heading = self.app.big_font.render("Multiline Text", True, white)
self.text = MultilineText(
"If you want to create multiple lines of text in pygame, " +
"you have to create multiple text objects and blit them one another.\n" +
'The class "MultilineText()" does this automatically. ' +
'You can make new lines by adding "\\n" to the string. ' +
"It can also automatically create newlines if the line is longer than a given length.\n" +
"You can resize this window and the text will automatically fit on the window.",
def update(self):
self.surface = pygame.transform.scale(self.surface, self.app.screen.get_size())
self.surface.fill((20, 20, 20))
self.surface.blit(self.heading, (self.app.screen.get_width() / 2 - self.heading.get_width() / 2, 10))
self.surface.blit(self.text.surface, (10, 50))
def change_page(self, page):
self.gui.current_page = page