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2023-10-29 10:19:21 +01:00
Make it some easyer to find a working invidious instance.
You should have a file names proxylist with hostnames line per line
in your homedirectory.
Put the youtube-url into clipboard, call the script and paste the new urls into your chat.
The script reads the _clipboard_, does its work and puts the result
back into the clipboard
You should make a clicko in your desktoppanel.
import os, sys, re, pyperclip, notify2
from random import randint
# look for a list of proxies at /home/user/proxylist
proxyfile_path = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/" + "proxylist"
proxy_list = []
# define browser. Firefox for president!
browser = "firefox"
browser_param = [" --new-tab "]
# Slurp in the proxylist
with open(proxyfile_path) as proxies:
for proxy in proxies:
new_urls = []
# Number of proxies in proxyfile
proxy_counter = len(proxy_list)
# Choose one by random
random_proxy = randint(0, proxy_counter - 1)
# Get the problematic url from clipboard
youtube_url = pyperclip.paste()
# do we have an accident without any url? My mouse is haunted...
if youtube_url.find("https://") == -1:
sys.exit("no Url found")
# or an accident with leading trash?
youtube_url = re.sub("^.*https://", "https://", youtube_url)
# make a list of urls with the replaced servers
# and print a list for convenience
for count in range(0, proxy_counter):
new_urls.append(re.sub("^.*://.*/", "https://" + proxy_list[count] + "/", youtube_url))
# put the chosen proxy into clipboard
pyperclip.copy(new_urls[random_proxy] + "\n")
# Send some notification to desktoptray
n = notify2.Notification(new_urls[random_proxy], "").show()
# execvp wants its parameters as a tuple
# startup browser with a new tab
# os.execvp(browser, browser_param)