#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys, re, os, pg, locale, glob from dialog import Dialog ## Initialize a dialog.Dialog instance d = Dialog(dialog="dialog") locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") sourcedir = "/home/wn/python/webgen/" targetdir = "/home/wn/www/i21k.de/posts/" sourcefolder = os.listdir(sourcedir) targetfolder = os.listdir(targetdir) xwidth = os.get_terminal_size()[0] - 10 ywidth = os.get_terminal_size()[1] - 10 # Put files in sourcefolder into list zahl = 0 tabelle = [("", "")] for zeile in sourcefolder: tabelle.insert(zahl, (str(zahl), zeile)) zahl += 1 # Open list in menu and let user choose one ausgewaehlt = d.menu("Biddesehr:", width=xwidth, height=0, menu_height=ywidth, title="Such dir ne Datei", choices=tabelle) # Clean filename from leading .md for later construction of a headline fn = re.sub("\.md$", "", tabelle[int(ausgewaehlt[1])][1]) sourcefile = glob.glob(sourcedir + fn + ".md") targetfile = glob.glob(targetdir + "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9] " + fn + "*") print("Sourcefile: ", sourcefile, "\nTargetfile: ", targetfile)