#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys, os, uuid, shutil, signal, subprocess, markdown2 as markdown, re, datetime, locale, glob from dialog import Dialog # If not choosen stdout as output, where should the generated file go to and what # fileending (f.e. .html) shall it have. Preset values. webbasedir = os.path.expanduser("~/www/i21k.de/") targetdir = webbasedir + "posts/" sourcedir = os.path.expanduser("~/python/webgen/") ### for module mkdirindex: filesdir = webbasedir + "files/" indexfilename = "index.html" filesdirheadline = "Files" #### # for spellchecko # Preferred: aspell -c filename # dospellcheck = os.getenv("SPELLCHECK") spellcheck = "aspell" spellcheckparam = "-c" fileending = "" locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") clear = "\x1b[2J\x1b[H" green = "\x1b[38;5;46m" red = "\x1b[38;5;9m" yellow = "\x1b[38;5;226m" greenonblack = "\x1b[38;5;46m\x1b[48;5;16m" redonblack = "\x1b[38;5;9m\x1b[48;5;16m" xwidth = os.get_terminal_size()[0] - 3 ywidth = os.get_terminal_size()[1] - 3 os.chdir(sourcedir) # Prepend an hourly tinestamp to the later name of the file creationtime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00 ") # generate a more precise ctime to be included in the resulting webpage creationtimeheader = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") # Initialize a dialog.Dialog instance d = Dialog(dialog="dialog") # Let's stop everything at CTRL-c def sigint_handler(signum, frame): sys.exit(yellow + "\nPfff....I'll tell your mom!\n") signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) # call favorite editor with filename to write the text # i am not shure bout that spellchecko, is it nessesary? def edit(headline): editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") if not editor: editor = "vim" subprocess.call([editor, headline]) if dospellcheck: print(yellow) if input("You like to spellcheck it [y/N]?") == "y": subprocess.call([spellcheck, spellcheckparam, headline]) print(green) return headline # Select a topic for the new post or reedit an existing one def selectfile(): # Put all .md files in sourcefolder into list with a format, which dialog can eat. filelist = glob.glob("*.md") filelist.sort() tabelle = [] zahl = 0 for zeile in filelist: tabelle.insert(zahl, (str(zahl), zeile)) zahl += 1 # Open list in menu and let user choose one ausgewaehlt = d.menu( "Such dir ne Datei:", width=xwidth, height=ywidth, menu_height=ywidth, title="Ein Thema wählen:", choices=tabelle, cancel="Neuen Namen eingeben", ) # Nothing has been choosen, so lets ask for a topic to generate a filename if ausgewaehlt[0] == "cancel": newtopic = d.inputbox("Ok, gib hier ein neues Thema an:", width=xwidth, height=ywidth, title="Ein Thema wählen:", cancel="Exit") if newtopic[0] == "cancel" or newtopic[1] == "": sys.exit(yellow + "Na, dann eben nicht...") headline = newtopic[1] else: headline = "" # Clean filename from leading .md for later construction of a headline if headline == "": headline = re.sub("\.md$", "", tabelle[int(ausgewaehlt[1])][1]) print(headline) # a = input(yellow + "What do we dooo here?") # if the searched filename doesnt match an existing file we construct a new one if len(glob.glob(sourcedir + headline + ".md")) == 0: sourcefile = sourcedir + headline + ".md" else: sourcefile = str(glob.glob(sourcedir + headline + ".md")[0]) # if the targetfilename doesnt match an existing file we construct a new one targetfile = glob.glob(targetdir + "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9] " + headline + "*") targetfilelength = len(targetfile) if targetfilelength >= 1: targetfile = targetfile[targetfilelength - 1] else: targetfile = targetdir + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00 ") + headline return sourcefile, targetfile, headline def mkdirindex(filesdir, indexfilename, filesdirheadline): """Dig the files-directory and generate an index.""" head1 = ( '
\n \nMoin' foot = "
\n" # write beginning of html-file html_out_file.write(head1 + style_fn + head2 + body1) # The centerpiece - read md-file, convert to html, add head and foot and write result with open(inputfile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as infile: md_data = infile.read() html_output = markdown.markdown(md_data) html_out_file.write(html_output) html_out_file.write(foot) html_out_file.close() # if the new filename is not stdout, return new filename to stdout, so some calling shellscript can use it. if outfile != sys.stdout: print(outputfile) # Dig the files-directory and generate an index. linecounter = mkdirindex(filesdir, indexfilename, filesdirheadline) print("Dirindex in ", filesdir, " has ", linecounter, "lines") # Have a nice time.